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With over 25 years of experience in the world of dogs, encompassing breeding and training, our journey began with our love for these incredible animals. Together, we've been married for a decade, forming a blended family that quickly grew with the arrival of four children in just five years. Amidst this whirlwind, we always had at least two 85+ lb dogs by our side, often rescuing and even having litters that expanded our furry family to over five dogs at any given time.


Our dogs have never been just pets; they've been cherished members of our family, always present in our lives. We spent the last decade juggling leadership roles in corporate America while continuing our passion for breeding and training dogs.


Life took an unexpected turn when health-related circumstances entered the picture, along with our beloved dog, Luchadour. Luch was a wonderful dog but posed unique challenges that we struggled to understand. Given our family's health issues and work commitments, we sought the assistance of a professional dog trainer who made a world of difference for our family.


This experience illuminated the importance of seeking professional help and not giving up on any member of our family, whether two-legged or four-legged. We realized that sometimes, a professional's guidance can be transformative for both our family and our dogs.


Determined to create a different path for our family, we embarked on a journey to become certified dog trainers. Now, we do what we love every day – working together as a family, training, loving, and learning alongside dogs. We've owned, trained, and found loving homes for over 50 dogs, and our dedication is driven by our genuine passion for these furry family members.


What sets us apart is our commitment to integrating your furry friend into our real-world family life scenarios. From family dinners to park outings, and soccer games to fur-friendly restaurants, we expose them to various everyday experiences. Our goal is to prepare your fur family to thrive in diverse situations, and we also aim to teach you how your dog thinks, empowering you to set the stage for success in any new scenario.


We invite you to visit us and experience firsthand what makes Legacy Farms Family the ideal choice to entrust your family with. Become a part of our Legacy Farms Family and witness the love, dedication, and expertise that define our approach to training and caring for dogs.


Legacy Farms K9 Training believes it’s never too late to teach an old pet (and its owner) new behaviors. Our tailor-made services are designed with you and your pet in mind to ensure results. We believe in working as much with you as with your pet. Our goal is to provide long-lasting impact through expert training.

Legacy Farms K9 Training has many years of experience in supporting pet owners to make the needed changes in their pet’s habits. Our high success and client satisfaction rates are our greatest source of pride. Call us today to make your first appointment.

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The Legacy Kids

Associate Trainers & Kennel Techs


(Obviously a joke. At LFK9T we do not condone child labor that is not in accordance with the state and national law.)

Robert & Karissa Roulhac

Founders and forever Learners

Rob Roulhac

Volunteer Senior Trainer

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